Large Format Scanning
Worcester Scanning provides high-quality scanning and imaging services for all types of large format documents. If you need to scan an item larger than 12” x 18” professional grade extra wide scanners will get the job cleanly and quickly.
Digitized drawings are easy to share and they avoid wear and tear from use and handling like a physical drawing would.
Digitizing your files can help your team have access to and work on the same document. Scanning increases efficiency and collaboration with average document sizes and over-sized.
What Large Documents Can We Scan?
- Newspapers and Periodicals
- CAD Files
- Topographic Maps
- Aerial Photographs
- Designs of Manufactured Products
- Engineering Drawings
- Blueprints
- Circuit Drawings
- Architectural Drawings
- Posters
- Fine Art
- And More
Quality First
We strive to provide the highest quality digital files. Our partners use state-of-the-art wide format scanners so that your images come out looking crisp, clean, and professional.
Have your items scanned in color, gray-scale, or black and white and then delivered as PDFs, JPEGs, Tiffs, or in any other file format you need.
We work with your team to determine your exact needs and specifications and deliver perfection.
Safety and Security
We value your privacy and use the utmost care to ensure your information remains secure. Your items are only handled by our team of professionals who take careful measures to protect both the content and physical status of your items.
We also offer electronic document management solutions to help keep your newly digitized files organized and secure. And for the physical originals we provide offsite storage service options.
Scan Oversized Documents with Worcester Scanning
Stop spending hours searching through flat drawers, tubes, and hangings. Digital copies of your documents are easy to organize and share—and they don't wear out or get damaged.
Worcester Scanning's partners provide high quality large document imaging services for all industries. Call us today at (508) 425-4054 or fill out the form for a free quote on the scanning services you require. We look forward to helping you go digital.
340 Main St
Worcester, MA 01608
Phone: (508) 425-4054